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Furdiburb Lite: v0.8beta

Furdiburb the alien virtual pet Finally! The long awaited Version 0.8 beta is available for download! We want to thank everyone for their patience as this was an extremely difficult update to do. I want to take some time to explain why Furdiburb updates can take a while. Any time we introduce a new feature, especially one that is drastically different from anything that already exists in the game, the first time we create it will take the longest time. Afterwards, any similar feature will take a lot less time. That’s the way software development works.

It took us about a month to release an update that allowed land travel and entering the apothecary. We definitely plan on adding more lands to travel to, and more buildings to enter, in the future. It should take us less time to add new places and shops. Instead, we will struggle on the new feature on the new land/store (for example: the mini-game, which currently doesn’t exist in the game! Or the non-existing purchase interface – how else are you going to buy something?).

For Furdiburb, we started with a mere handful of features and have constantly added completely new features over time. The very first version, he got hungry and pooped. Then we added bathing, some things to allow you to hatch him faster, slithering/squishing effect when you tilt the phone/drop him, sleep, waking him up, sickness, land travel, entering apothecary, and now, inventory. If you think about it, there are not many common things between all the features other than the ability to pick something up, and each thing you pick up can behave differently. Basically, Furdiburb only has a small subset of complete features out of all the new features we are planning to add, so we’re breaking lots of new ground with each iteration of the light version.

In this version, the big leap forward has involved a beefing up of the Furdi database. The changes we’ve made will now allow Furdiburb to take any items anywhere! Think of the possibilities! Keep in mind though Furdiburb is still in beta, so if you experience any strangeness with your foods and poops in this version, the please let us know.

So what exactly is new in this version you ask?

  • You can now store food and poop in the inventory by pressing and holding on an item. Some lasers will appear to take the fruit away.
  • You can access your inventory now by pressing and holding on Furdiburb. Drop items by clicking on the item you want, but note that each land can hold a limited amount of fruit/poops, so if you find you can’t drop any more, you’ve reached your limit for that land.
  • We included a holiday fruit for April, which, you won’t see until next year.
  • We also added a yummy slice of cheese to Furdiburb’s diet!
  • Several bug-fixes including the “invisible poop”
  • Last, but not least, we proudly introduce Tokori the owl! Very wise and very old, Tokori will chatter aimlessly to whoever will listen. In a future version, Tokori will sell Furdi medicines and maybe even some potions!