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Another Week, Another Update

Hey Peoples!

After returning from GDCNext (a gaming convention) last week, we jumped right back into work. As you can see from the screenshots on the site – A Quiver Of Crows ™ – we’ve got a morning-time scene set in a valley. We also have an afternoon scene set in a desert junkyard. Over the past week, we’ve been finalizing a new evening scene filled spooky skulls and bones! We’re not ready to show a screencap of that yet, but do check out a sneak peak of some newly revealed enemies: the skelebat and the wasp!

A Quiver of Crows

The crow doing battle with skelebats and wasps! Featured weapon is the three-way spread small bullet fire.

On the tech side, we’ve been working on fixing up the parallax layers to include stars and a sun or moon. Also, we got a discussion going over on the Esoteric Software forums regarding how we are incorporating physics into our animations. If you’re a dev or just interested in this sort of thing, check it out here.
Speaking of animations – we use the Spine tool by Esoteric Software for editing all of the enemy and environment animations in our game. It’s quite a lovely tool – we highly recommend it!

Okay! That’s it for now.
Don’t forget to follow us @AQuiverOfCrows